Friday, October 1, 2010

Jacksonville Gay Cruising Areas

D & D4 - New character sheet

[Inglese at the bottom]

And I'm back again to resurrect the blog after months of inactivity '.
I did some 'cleaning and updated links to the old cards that no longer work' due to the migration of my space, on which the guests, from the defunct Google Pages to Google Sites again.

Stimulated by the new boards of the character of the Essentials line, I saw my card by taking the wonderful idea to combine the skills 'in each feature to which' bound. It seems a trivial matter but when I tried to create a character that I realized how this simple technique to speed up the phase of scoring skills'. It 's a visual issue.

You can 'be argued that those who do not remember in which each feature is enabled' to waste time looking for her, but honestly it is 6 in 16 properties, I think you also learn the mental association will result 'more' immediate.

compliments go to charts Wizards of the Coast, but that 'continue to make cards on which there is' too little space, especially after the first few levels. So I started to work.

style and 'same as always: Spartan minute, trying to offer the opportunity' to squeeze as many 'information as possible in two shabby facades.

Also I made an Inglese version of this sheet.


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