Facebook and secrecy of voting
research we have developed over the last Trendstream, we have identified some of the most influential websites dividing geographical areas and areas of influence. A sort of Oscars of popularity.
The selection criteria are based on the activity of blogs and social networks. Reducing bone: more comments on the blog and more friends on facebook equals more influence.
The results for Italy are not reserved for special surprises except in the category Public Sector - Government in which appeared a couple of politicians of the South that I do not think has ever shone for their openness to new technologies.
Given the data on Internet penetration and the digital divide I would expect that the policy on the Internet was much more present in North and South
Or I would have expected to find some small opposition party, some grass-root movement in the wake of Beppe Grillo (which in fact was first in the standings).
Instead, the upper tiers of the ranking are some strong characters in the South belonging to the current that has historically gone to the highest in those regions.
That is a genuine breath of renewal to a policy closer to its citizens?
Or perhaps, seek and obtain a "friendship" is tantamount to an explicit promise to vote?
In particular in a region that has often been treated as a "reservoir of votes"
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