price comparison rechargeable
Since the last comparison I had done back in 2007 have changed a few things.
Gone are the preferential tariffs that had a good price only to customers of the same operator and have appeared many new offerings by subscription. These are convenient
so for those who use the phone, even taking account of administrative charges levied on subscriptions still medieval.
For those who make moderate use of phone or do not want to pay taxes the battery is still a good choice .
Let us go then to compare the rates of the four major Italian operators.
Vodafone shows only two lowest one for the immigrants while Tim has even six including one for immigrants but is actually also a different rate to call Italy and this is included in the comparison .
Wind and H3G, however, have respectively 4 and 3 rates to head.
The cost of SMS is still High Wind 9 shows only a small improvement. All offers
Tim and Vodafone are charging at shots and will comprise about half of the fee. (Click to enlarge graph)
We recognize the absolute rates are less desirable in New Tim Base (light brown) and Vodafone Basic (violet). Even without Tim Premia shot (blue) is among the worst. This is a masterpiece of evil because it is really no connection fee but since it is a tariffed shots in 60 seconds, also made a three-second call costs 19 cents.
Lowest convenient are clearly Power10 3 (violet) for calls less than 3 ½ minutes and 5 Wind (dark red) for calls above this threshold.
For those who do not have a third generation mobile and therefore can not use the services of 3, even without Tim shot is quite competitive but only for calls under one hundred seconds. Beyond that threshold is worthwhile Wind 5.
For very short calls can be affordable even without the Wind Super shot but it is clearly a last resort.
The only price that Vodafone is not completely out of the market is still very expensive but it must be said that every ten euro spent in a month will be reimbursed five (which obviously does not contribute to form another bonus). As the awards or three Tim Autoricarica can be convenient if one considers the impact of the bonus.
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