Want to know what is the rate on the fly for you without having to compare dozens of different offers? Here's to you our multiplication table of rates. That is, a convenient table to grab a glance at the best rates according to their cellular traffic. Today we present an updated version that includes many new fees or rescheduled out recently, and excludes some tariffs no longer offered, such as the Three Super 5.
Each box shows the best rate available on the market of the five main players (Tim, Wind, Vodafone, Three and PosteMobile) for a traffic type defined by the number of calls per day (lines) and their average duration in minutes (columns).
The figure reported in euro for every rate indicates the annual cost. So for example if you make 5 calls a day on average, each 5 minutes, the cheapest fare is the Wind 4, for an annual fee of 791 €. The same 4 Wind is actually the best fare for almost all types examined here, as can be seen from the table immediately. The
multiplication table was created with the calculation engine free online migliortariffa.it . To create the table we have not considered or SMS or any autoricarichi. If you want to find the best fares also include SMS, MMS, autoricarichi and other types of traffic, visit migliortariffa.it !
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